
Showing posts from January, 2019

What is your L.I.F.E.saver?

What is your L.I.F.E.saver? Inspirations - The Elements of L.I.F.E. What is your L.I.F.E.saver? ©️2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋 When I think about a lifesaver, I think of 10 elements that I want to share with you.   What is the PURPOSE of a L.I.F.E.saver? I remember when I was in a line at the  grocery store ... While waiting, I could not help but to see these colorful treats in the line. I was trying to resist buying them ! I gave up, I looked over and I said to myself, "Ok, I will  get something to ease my sweet tooth. I will treat myself this once"!  The candies I wanted? L ifesavers . I picked them up and  purchased them. I put them in my purse and walked to the car. As I settled, I looked inside my  purse and, there they were! That colorful wrapper with the word lifesavers on them . I sat in my car for a moment because that word really struck me for some reason. While I was thinking , I wondered why the candy-makers ...

Stretch Yourself!

Stretch Yourself! Live L.I.F.E with the mindset of stretching yourself as long as your neck will take you! ©️2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋 One day I was thinking about what color I wanted my room to be. I thought about  my scenery, the colors that define me , and the need to feel brightness as I relax in my haven. So, I decided to go with these colors; white and orange. One color was  soft and the other; bold. I was on the search for  images that would  complement my new look.  The search was not easy, but I finally found a picture that  had a white background with a giraffe on it! This was the  perfect piece for my room, the final piece for my new look. I placed it on the wall  where I could see it every day. I was curious about a giraffe’s meaning. Giraffes are graceful animals .  T hey were designed to stand out amidst their differences among the animal kingdom. They are also the tallest animals (known to man) living ...

Plan, Execute, and Travel/Journey!

Plan, Execute, and Travel/Journey! Learn to Plan, Execute, and Travel/ Journey in L.I.F.E. It will help you to talk less and DO more! ©️2018 LWB Butterfly 🦋 I recently became a Life Coach and was nervous about how to relay messages to  adults without insulting their situations/circumstances. My first seminar was on  finances, and my message was: Plan, Execute, and Travel/Journey in Life. I thought  that the message was so transparent and that it would not be appreciated because of its simplicity. One day, while meditating, my creator spoke to me and told me not to change the  course in which I had been operating (as an educator). He reminded me of what I  did on a daily bases, and that caused me to have the confidence to speak about finances to His people about that important process in our life. I took the model and  used the circumstance (finances) to help others to improve their thoughts about that  topic. The...

What's Stopping you from Moving Forward? How to Save Money and Prepare for Hard Times...

What's Stopping you from Moving Forward? How to Save Money and Prepare for Hard Times... Do you want to be wealthy or just look wealthy? The choice is yours. ©️ 2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋 A lot of people are facing difficult times, especially since the lay off has happened for those who worked for the government. Here are 7 fun and practical ways to save your coins! Remember, Don’t overlook the value of a penny. When you see it, pick it up! They do add up! 7 Ways to Save Your Coins..... 1. Consult with a debt specialist. They can help you combine your debt, this way you can lower your monthly bills. This will repair your credit in no time. 2. Challenge yourself by rewarding yourself. Start a challenge, and set a goal (ex: weight loss). Put the amount of money in a savings jar of the pounds you said you will lose (in dollar amount). It will help you achieve your goal. Even if you do not achieve the goal, you will have something (money) to account for your ...

Your Desires Require Execution And Motivation-Dreams are not limited!

Your Desires Require Execution And Motivation-Dreams are not limited!  What’s stopping you from moving forward?  “No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they’d die for. ” -Martin Luther King Jr. Someone’s experience is someone’s dream, but the unspoken reality may cause the  demise of the dreamer! ©️ 2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋 Was your dream taken due to unforeseen situations, or did you STOP dreaming? Why do we think we have to focus only on one dream at a time? What happens if that vision is interrupted by a situation? Do you feel like you cannot dream again? Well, I am  here to say; that is absolutely not true. You just have to find a new dream, by digging  deeper inside of you. Don’t let your unknown abilities stop you because of what you  thought was the ultimate for your life. Dreams are simply a part of you. Don’t let your  dream (L.I.F.E.) die because of one opportunity that did not fully...

This too Shall Pass!

This too Shall Pass! What’s stopping you from moving forward? Is it trauma? Life happens in a way sometimes that is too traumatic to deal with. Just take deep  breaths and say, “this too shall pass”. ©️2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋. Why do we feel we have to cope with something that is traumatic instead of seeking  help toward a new way of L.I.F.E.? We all have experienced a situation that may have caused distress, threatening episodes, and  even possible psychological breakdowns. All of these things can be triggered by how  we handle emotional issues. Feelings (i.e., malice, anxiety, guilt and frustration) all  form into sadness for most of us, stemming from problems that we never addressed.  Trauma is not a good thing, and sometimes causes a person to turn to substances  that are even worse for them to deal with. Let’s align ourselves in a way that will  restore our brokenness. When life is too hard for me, I ...

Make that Change, but don't Change yourself!

Make that Change, but don't change yourself! Make that change, but don't change yourself! We must learn not to change our character while we are trying to change our circumstances! ©️2018 LWB Butterfly 🦋 In remembrance of our late and great Maya Angelou, “Do your best until you know better, when you know better, you do better!" Do you have someone in your life with whom you get soulful advice? I love to sit  and talk with my dad, because he makes this complex life simple, and breezy.  I remember, growing up, that he would always taking pride in the solace of life, the simple things made him  happy. He was a painter, and was street smart. He would always give good advice,  but his stories would go in and out, up and down, and before long, you would find  yourself day-dreaming! The dots would all connect in the end though! That is where  I got into trouble. Even when we were gro...