Stretch Yourself!

Stretch Yourself!

Live L.I.F.E with the mindset of stretching yourself as long as your neck will take you!©️2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋

One day I was thinking about what color I wanted my room to be. I thought about  my scenery, the colors that define me, and the need to feel brightness as I relax in my haven. So, I decided to go with these colors; white and orange. One color was soft and the other; bold. I was on the search for  images that would complement my new look.  The search was not easy, but I finally found a picture that had a white background with a giraffe on it! This was the perfect piece for my room, the final piece for my new look. I placed it on the wall where I could see it every day. I was curious about a giraffe’s meaning. Giraffes are graceful animals. They were designed to stand out amidst their differences among the animal kingdom. They are also the tallest animals (known to man) living at this present time. From our (intellectual) perspective, one would think that they would feel inferior due to their drastic size differences in comparison to other animals. However, their anatomy has nothing to do with their emotional state-of-mind. I was inspired to write a quote from that beautiful image. I had to learn to live a life with the mindset of stretching myself as far as my neck would take me. I had to learn how to refine my thinking and search deep down to discover my quality, royalty, and exotic thirst for living life the best way possible. I needed to live life with an unlimited mindset, and to know that it’s OK to live with the finest things in life, (even when others may think lowly of my standards for myself). I can travel through my journey of life by standing tall and looking around with a humble heartbeat and not allowing my wits to cause me to compete in life. I have learned to walk as tall as giraffes, free as butterflies, and to live in the present filled with charm that provides me with a serene and gentle path in L.I.F.E.  I even have a sharper and wittier sense of humor now that I have freed myself and let go.  I know I may be surrounded by lions, tigers, and bears, but I walk in the integrity, boldness, and  radiant strength that my creator gave me. Therefore, I will not fear my surroundings, nor allow them to cause me to feel threatened by the challenges that may come from what I see. I am ready to live just like the Giraffe that is on my wall. I will see at the giraffe does, above the trees, as far as the horizon.


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