March for Women


Powerful ladies
Let us all work together
We have ideas
~LWB Butterfly 🦋
This month we honor women. It’s Women’s History Month. It’s time to celebrate one another. You can do it the way you want. Women have been known for wanting equity. We are still fighting for that and this year I am proud to say that we have a woman Vice President serving our country. Thank you, Kamala Harris!

I would like to salute my mother for being an outstanding woman against all the odds that she had to face in her life. She was not worldwide known, however, she was known by her community for being a caring, nurturing, and devoted teacher for over two decades. I am an educator today because of her. My mother taught me to always represent myself like a lady. She is very inspirational in a lot of things that I do. Mama, I Love You ❤️.

I have a lot of strong women in my family who have shown me how to walk in my faith, effectively use my intelligence, nurture and support my family. I also would like to highlights other life coaches, educators, authors, speakers, and nonprofit organizations that I have benefited from and have supported their causes. There are so many women who continue to impact me every day. Thank you for paving the way for all of us.

I will honor women throughout this month because I am proud to be a woman and to have witnessed a lot of changes because of those who stepped up and made a difference in our society.

Here are a few milestones that I wanted to acknowledge:
  • 1909: First observance of Women’s Day in New York
  • 1911: First International Women’s Day observed
  • 1975: The United Nations recognizes and adopts International Women’s Day
  • 1980: President Jimmy Carter formalizes the first National Women’s History Week
  • 1987: Congress passes legislation to formalize the first Women’s History Month
  • 2021: First Female Vice President
My goal this month is to celebrate women on my social media platforms along with getting to know women all around the world by posting engaging questions. I challenge other women to follow 7 women a day for 31 days. This means you have expanded your circle of women just by reaching out to 217 of them in one month. What a powerful connection.

Here are some ideas that you could do for a woman this month
  1. Buy her a coffee
  2. Get involved in her organization/bookclub
  3. Purchase from her business
  4. Give me a call or text to just check-in
  5. Create ideas to keep improving woman right
  6. Host a virtual event in honor of a woman
  7. Send a thank you card encouraging woman to not give up
This is a small list of things you can do to support women this month. We all need one another. Remember, Life is to serve and be served!


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