The Result: 2021| Even & Odd

 The Result: 2021| Even & Odd

Without darkness, Light cannot appear
~LWB Butterfly 🦋

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take one step at a time ~Martin Luther King, Jr

Look at life as not being a positive or negative outcome instead focus on the aspects of the results from life. The result of what life will show you this year is far greater than the fear it tries to bring. We must not be devastated by negative (odd) situations; because all we need to do is take the negatives and turn them into positive (even) situation.

2021 number has an even and odd number in it. Therefore, it could show us good and challenging situations, but we should consider not allowing anything to distract us from achieving our goals.
I have learned that life is a teachable moment. I did things that I didn’t even know I could do. I faced situations that I did not know I could handle. I am still here to share my story with the world and that is amazing.
This new year is not about a Resolution. Based on last year, we cannot predict our life's outcome anyway. I have learned that when people give up on you just remember God will not.
It is important to take one step at a time and start focusing on what we want. The past is behind us and we are moving forward with a new sense of direction, strength, determination, faith, and patience. Changing from one year to another our thoughts may be overwhelmed because we don’t know what the new year will show us and we cannot be afraid of what happens. Just remember you are not in control of the unknown.

We can only hope for the best. Light up your path for a bright journey. Don’t allow your present circumstance to hinder you from your future endeavors. Walk into this year with a magical imagination, and let your free-spirited lead you. Things we have faced in the past is gone, now we are looking forward to a brighter new year.
We had a lot of layers to get peeled off from last year and all we can do is learn from each one of them. Let’s remember to stay positive, focused, determined, and free from fear. We have the opportunity to make a difference in a world that is so unpredictable.

The RESULT is L.I.F.E. and we have to understand that it may cause us to wait patiently for the outcome. Let’s have a fresh start and as we see the sunrise we know that we have a purpose for that day. Take one step at a time, and be your best self this year and keep living with high standards!

Coach Lisa


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