12 insightful things about 2020

This has been a very difficult year for the world. No one is exempt. We have faced things together and apart. Life has caused us to see things differently and to put things in perspective. 

I dealt with a medical condition and had to learn how to handle it positively so I would not be discouraged.  We have to find ways to get through traumatic situations and experiences.  In lieu of all the sadness that continues to surround us, we have to find hope and allow it to help us to live in a world that is so unpredictable. Life is the same way. Most of us are afraid of the unknown and don’t know how to handle it. I am a Life Coach, but I am not an expert on how things should go in a person's life.  Only our Creator knows the outcome for us. We should just be willing to follow His guidance. 

I wanted to end the year on a good note, so I decided to do a list sharing 12 insightful things about 2020.  I hope it can inspire you to keep the faith and don’t give up.

12 Insightful things about 2020

1.    Family time has increased
2.    Movie drive through had a comeback
3.    People shared more about themselves
4.    Spending money on trends decreased
5.    People discovered hidden talents (making mask)
6.    Game boards became popular again
7.    Ordinary people entertained us on Tic Toc
8.    Essential workers were respected more for what they do
9.    We appreciate things better
10.  We are more patient
11.  We know how to survive in a pandemic
12.  We are showing more LOVE than HATE

I know these are practical things, but they are meaningful.  The one thing 2020 showed me was how to have a clear vision about life and learn how to take one day at a time.

Coach Lisa


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