Motivation: Being lifted up from Abandonment: It is your time!

July Theme: Motivation: Being lifted up from Abandonment: It is your time! 

Being open to be transparent and being MOTIVATED to walk in your truth!

Be MOTIVATED to be sure about YOU! No delays here! -LWB Butterfly 🦋 

Sharing all of your flaws with a person could cause you to feel vulnerable if you allow it to. However, you can be transparent and be motivated enough to walk in your truths no matter what others may think of me.  This may be easy to say for some and hard to do for others.  Being transparent causes us to invite a level of trust with someone by discovering the reality of not being shame nor embarrassed by who and what you are.  It causes a person not to feel like they have to hide their desires and interests. Transparency allows a person to be honest and establishes a credible lens from others towards you. The thought of beingso open may be nervous and uncomfortable at first, but like anything we experience in life we have to keep practicing it and eventually you will see how motivated it will make you feel. Think of transparency as being your Survival Kit towards a more inner peace for you.  Use this kit when you have to tell your story to others and see how it will keep motivating and inspiring you to love yourself. Here are some tools you need for your kit
  1. Share your ideas and ambitions with others.
  2. Be honest and liberated about who you are.
  3. Align yourself up for others to be motivated to share their story.
All transparency really means is keeping it real about who you are and what you want. It is not that you have to tell everyone about you, but if you have an inner circle of people who you care about and want them to know your heartbeat then share with them.  Be motivated to live life with authenticity and see how transparency will cause you to have free spirited type of lifestyle. When we are open and up front with others from the start of a relationship, we can avoid any future issues.  Transparency shows character not personality.  


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