Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & Not being Good Enough!
Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & Not being good enough!
Are you waiting for someone else to tell you that you are good enough? If so, you have not realized your own worth! It’s time for you to stir up your Solar Plexus energy! -LWB Butterfly π¦.
I may not understand your intentions for me, and I don't need to! I do understand my intentions for myself, and that's good enough for me”. -LWB Butterfly π¦.
Who are we trying to be good enough for? No one understands you like you. If you are waiting for someone to guide you into your truths, that means you are still searching from within. You have to learn how to identify the real you, and not be ashamed of it, nor be insecure about it. You have to learn how to own yourself and have the self power (Solar Plexus Chakra) to endure others opinions of you. It is time for you to be confident and good enough with yourself? Why do we look to others so much? The universe was designed for others to judge our talents, and then say do not worry about what others think of you. Think about it. We have to go through a panel of people to audition for something that we love to do, and there are people who are experience in what you are a novice in. They have gone through the same type process themselves and may treat you like the expectations they had (whether it is good or bad). Being in front of others can make you feel like you are not good nor ready enough for the next level based in their view of you. Remember, those who are judging have a selected amount of numbers to choice from. Therefore, indirectly they may have lowered your insecurity unintentionally. It is up to you to have to restore it. You have to be the one who knows that you are good enough. If you do not make the audition it just may not be the time for you based upon those peoples opinions. Instead of giving up, it maybe time for you to step out and make your own platform. In order to do that you have to encourage yourself before you can encourage others of who you are and what you are passionate about. I have seen so many good people including myself struggle with feeling good about themselves. Why prove who you are to someone who have not proven themselves to you. We have to learn how to redirect their thinking and change the culture environment when it comes to self-worth. This world is very contradicting, and it is hard to keep up sometimes. Try not to get distracted by all the differences of opinions and stay focus on being true to you. For example the world tell you as a child do not drink smoke or do drugs. Yet that is all a young people see adults doing. Especially during social gatherings, and that is the first thing that is spoken of when planning a party. It is like the message continues to be “do as I say not as I do”. In situation like this you have to decide what is best for you. It may be difficult for you to do, but you have to be confident enough to walk certain paths along. So today live your life knowing that you are good enough, and you do not needing the support of anyone else if they do not believe in you. I am not saying that you have to be on an island. I am just saying that there may be a few who will support you and what you truly believe in. Sometimes people can deposit energy and thoughts about you that you never thought of about yourself before. Be careful not to value their words more than yours. I understand the difference between opinions and facts, and you must know the differences as well. When you do, you will be well on your way on a new journey, new zone and newer you. You are good enough! Do not be afraid of who you are. Learn not to worry about the rejections in your life, because they will not stop. Just don’t allow the NO’s to stop you! Our creator did not give us a spirit of fear. Instead. He gave us a sound mind filled with love and confidence!
Yours, Lisa
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