Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & Not being Good Enough!
Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & Not being good enough! Are you waiting for someone else to tell you that you are good enough? If so, you have not realized your own worth! It’s time for you to stir up your Solar Plexus energy! -LWB Butterfly 🦋 . I may not understand your intentions for me, and I don't need to! I do understand my intentions for myself, and that's good enough for me”. -LWB Butterfly 🦋 . Who are we trying to be good enough for? No one understands you like you. If you are waiting for someone to guide you into your truths, that means you are still searching from within. You have to learn how to identify the real you, and not be ashamed of it, nor be insecure about it. You have to learn how to own yourself and have the self power (Solar Plexus Chakra) to endure others opinions of you. It is time for you to be confident and good enough with yourself? Why do we look to others so ...