
Showing posts from June, 2019

Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & Not being Good Enough!

Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & Not being good enough! Are you waiting for someone else to tell you that you are good enough? If so, you have not realized your own worth! It’s time for you to stir up your Solar Plexus energy! -LWB Butterfly  🦋 .  I may not understand your intentions for me, and I don't need to! I do understand my intentions for myself, and that's good enough for me”. -LWB Butterfly  🦋 . Who are we trying to be good enough for?    No one understands you like you. If you are waiting for someone to guide you into your truths, that means you are still searching from within. You have to learn how to identify the real you, and not be ashamed of it, nor be insecure about it. You have to learn how to own yourself and have the self power (Solar Plexus Chakra) to endure others opinions of you.    It is time for you to be confident and good enough with yourself?    Why do we look to others so ...

GRADUATING (PART 2)-Trouble With Trust

Graduating into a New Zone:  Dealing with Abandonment  Trouble With Trust! Quote: Cherish all, Trust a few, and Mislead no one. -LWB Butterfly  🦋   It’s okay to mistrust when someone has revealed themselves, but we should not be that way with everything/everyone. Remember our future is unknown and we should  trust  that.        -LWB Butterfly  🦋   “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always, one more time” Maya Angelou When a mirror breaks, it has a lot of pieces and you can still see yourself. However, you must realize that the wholeness is now broken into pieces. Trust is the same. You can still give a person all your trust until they break the vibe. Then you have to walk with caution, because you may get cut! When someone has hurt someone else, the trust is the first thing that will vanish. It’s causes a person to have to build that trust again and this is where fears lurks. The hurt...

GRADUATING (PART 1)-Dealing with Insecurity: Abandonment

Graduating into a New Zone!  Dealing with Insecurity: Abandonment  Being insecure because of abandonment means that it’s time to align your  Solar Plexus ! -LWB Butterfly  🦋   Become aware of your  Vishaddha  Chakra.  If you have ever been in a relationship from any standpoint, there’s a possibility that you have dealt with abandonment. It is a common, yet undesirable, experience that we may go through on this universe. Abandonment has sabotaged a lot of relationships, and each individuals'  insecurity may elevate the situation.  Insecurity can interfere with how we communicate (or lack thereof) because of our discomfort regarding who we are speaking to.    The key is learning to balance out our  Solar Plexus  chakra to start our healing process. It helps us to grow our power, will, and self love in order to deal with any type of insecurity.  Abandonment causes a lot of triggers wit...

Dealing with Abandonment & turning it around for your good!

Quote: Abandonment does not feel good in the beginning, but give it time and you will see it was the best elimination that you did not ask for!     -LWB Butterfly  🦋   Graduating into a New Zone: Dealing with Abandonment & turning it around for your good! Quote: You left me thinking that was the best thing for you, but really it was the best thing for me! -LWB Butterfly  🦋   Abandonment is labeled as such a taboo type of action, because it does represent giving up, discontinuing, and withdrawing from someone or something. If we are not careful, we will fall into self pity or a “woe is me” mentality. When a person chooses to leave you, they have tapped themselves out of that situation, and it has nothing to do with you. I had to discover that for myself. I had to realize that just because I was abandoned by the person I loved, did not mean I was supposed to abandon myself as well. I had to learn how to graduate from that situ...