Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence

Spiritual and  Emotional Intelligence

Spring into Fresh Energy

Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence have powerful forces behind them, and I discovered mine through understanding what E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) was and how to operate in it.  Most of us have to find and determine our own success. When I discovered who I truly am, I did not base everything solely on my E.Q., because I did not identify that level of intelligence until later on in my life. However, I was, and am, a person who gets along well with others, and has high self-esteem about myself in life situations.  I celebrated people and I am not jealous nor threatened by anyone.  

As I matured in life, I discovered that I had another part of my intelligence that was stronger and more influential. This intelligence was morally driven. It was my S.Q. (Spiritual Quotient). I was 19 years old when I recognized this mindset, but it took longer for me to identify its total power. I just knew it was essential for my well-being. My S.Q. taught me how to align meaning and purpose in my life by allowing me the opportunity to create possibilities that I never thought were obtainable. When you discover your S.Q., it will allow you the chance to utilize your natural E.Q. and combine it with your higher S.Q. in a unique way. You will be able to express who you are through your talents and gifts. In the end, the universe will benefit from your knowledge, because you have activated it. Our lives have a divine purpose, a  G.Q. (Global Quotient) that we must learn to tap into. The world has categorized several well-know people who have these Quotients, but I am here to remind you that your name is on that list as well. You just have to dig deep and find it for yourself.  

As individuals we must learn how to FIND, KNOW, and, finally, NEVER LOSE who we are. FINDING your true self may take time because we all start out by modeling what we were taught by those who raised us. It’s others' thoughts of what we should want and be that we may accidentally follow. That typically comes from our upbringing. Then, there comes a time when we must simply discover L.I.F.E. for ourselves. That is when we start to develop what we KNOW we want for ourselves. We are all one being with several layers to who we really are. I grow up with strong morals and home training, however, I had to find my own way as it related to my spiritual growth. My father grew up Catholic and my mother, Baptist. Neither  of them forced their beliefs on us as children (my siblings & I), however, they introduced us to both sides of their spiritual upbringing, and, as individuals, we decided to find and follow what was best for us.  Once I connected my beliefs and morals together I knew I was not a religious person at all (neither one of my parents' spiritual upbringing interested me). I knew I wanted to separate from those doctrines for my life. I knew I needed a higher power, but it was not based on man's law. Instead, it was for me to gain awareness of my spirituality and then connect with my Creator the best way that would give me peace.  After that point, I NEVER LOST myself and learned how to operate in my E.Q. and S.Q. in an intellectual and non-offensive way toward others. 

If you need to learn how to FIND, KNOW, and NEVER LOSE yourself in order for you to activate a more intelligent YOU, call today and schedule your appointment with me: 919.719.3930. 

 Always remember, Life is to serve and be served! But you have to serve yourself first! ©️2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋



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