Contract for Black America

 15 Amendment allows blacks to vote, but in the words of Ice Cube “What’s in it for us”? 

That is something to really think about. Are we voting democratic just because that’s what we know we are supposed to do? Or is it really to help the black community? Now I know it’s about ALL people, but each community fights for their own first, and its time we do the same.  I am not saying don’t vote because our black community fought for that right and we got it based on the 15th amendment.  However, we have to be smart with our vote.  Check out this article regarding the black community voting and getting a signed contract, please share with me and let me know your thoughts. 

Read the article below. Should we vote if we do not have a Black America contract? Black businesses have dropped 45 %, (almost half), Hopefully, that will help be your focus as you are answering these questions.

As a Life Coach, I have structured a systematic purpose that patterns a person's thought process by having a “thought record” for my clients to operate in.

With this topic Black America Contract before voting. I would like to know the thoughts about HOW and WHAT should we vote for in the black community this year?

Think it through before automatically voting this term. Ask yourself HOW and WHAT will the black community do this voting term?

  1. The Situation: What’s the plan for the black community?
  2. The Thought: How does the black community execute the plan?
  3. The Emotion: What are your feeling once Trump is out? What’s next for us?
  4. The Behavior: How will the black community handle the new paradigm shift? Will we be outraged or handle the situations for justice tactfully?
  5. The Reframing: What is the infrastructure for the black community? Will we sign the contract for Black America?
  6. The Consistency: How will the black community continue to support one another once the contract is granted?
  7. The Unity: Remember “United we stand and divided we fall”. This is very feigned to the black community; because WE put our own community down for far too long. Now we have to “Show and Tell” in a better way as a people.

We have to use wisdom in this voting term. It’s not “business as usual”.  We have to empower one another and demand a new type of treatment and outcome for this election.  It’s not a racial stand it’s a unified stand that the black community needs to make.  If you need help with your “thought record” regarding this issue book your session with me today at 919.719.3930 or visit my website to schedule your appointment.


Coach Lisa


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