Being MOTIVATED to live a healthy lifestyle and feel ageless!

Week 3 Emotional Intelligence: Motivation 

Being MOTIVATED to live a healthy lifestyle and feel ageless!

Quote: L.I.F.E. is to be lived do not allow your age to stop your MOTIVATION to live. Loosen up! -LWB Butterfly 🦋 

“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever.” ~ Walt Disney

When people were younger celebrating their birthday was fun and liberating. It was not a dreadful reminder that your were getting older.  Actually, it's reversed, you we're looking forward to it.  The number of candles on the cake was not a factor of age when we were younger, instead it was the joy of blowing them out and celebrating life.  Yes, as we age situation in our life may change, but we need to be motivated to walk in those changes with confidence.  Do not allow any health or other struggles to strip you from enjoying yourself at any age. Remember age is a sign of experience, therefore we need to keep living in order to keep sharing our experiences. We must be motivated to understand we need to keep ourselves healthy, so we can feel good about doing things and feeling ageless.  I have seven tips/quotes to remind you to stay motivated no matter what age you are.  
  1. Aging is reality, however don’t let it stop you from living. Say to yourself it is a matter of the mind. It does not matter how old you are and don’t let it hinder you from doing things you enjoy. 
  2. Be motivated to allow your inner child to come out sometimes. The reminder is joyful! Laughter is good for the soul!
  3. Getting older is a reality, but do not let it stop you from still seeing the beauty, excitement, and fun that comes with living.
  4. You are never to old to make a change. If you have a desire that was not met in your youth, reboot and start doing it now! 
  5. Have no regret for getting older. You still have time to achieve! 
  6. Rewind! Do not stop having fun because you are older, because it will cause you to feel older because you stop having fun! 
  7. What number causes us to think we are old? Numbers are infinite, therefore we should keep on going as well.  

Stop allowing your age to determine who you are.  There is no age when it comes to fun, joy, happiness, and laughter! A wise man once said “Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.” ~ Muhammad Ali
I have learned how to keep dreaming, because the imaginations are endless.  It will cause you to feel ageless! If you allow your age to identify what is possible, then it can limit you from  believing the impossible.  Age can never stop you from loving, caring, nor serving, so why allow it to stop you from living a vibrant life.  Age is a number, don’t let it be anything other than that! The motivation to live is yours! 



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