What’s Your True Message When It Comes To Taking a Stand For What You Believe In?

What’s Your True Message When It Comes To Taking a Stand For What You Believe In? 

We all come to a point when “ enough is enough”. We are all in many walks of life. The ways that we handle situations vary, based on our personal code of ethics. Certain life choices and preferences may vary among our human race, possibly causing friction for those that don’t do what another does. If I am not at the point you are, don’t judge me. If no one rushed you to your standard (spiritual or moral) then don’t rush me to mine, or others to theirs. How you feel about something may not impact someone the same way (and vise versa). At the end of the day, we live in a country where liberty is granted. Don’t limit others because you are carved for another purpose. Remember, you were once where someone else is. Be that voice without judgment or insult. Besides, if you have hatred, clamor, and evil spoken of, then what makes you any different from the one whom you are against? What we need to discover is that we see things differently and have our own opinions. Think of a monkey. I may see it as beautiful, you may see it as ugly. The message is, everyone wants to persuade someone to follow their judgment (especially when they have been offended). What we have to understand is, if you stand for unity, then don’t divide it by your judgment. If a person makes a choice not to follow you, are you mad at the cause or the person who doesn’t rock with your cause? Is that person a sell-out, or are you trying to box them into having your views too? Just because people are the same by nature (being human) does not mean we communicate, or even, receive information, the same. Being the same by nature does not mean we have to agree on everything, especially if our mindset and lifestyles are different. Let freedom be for each individual, no matter what their beliefs are. For example, I know people who used to eat pork, now they don’t, and they judge others for eating it and think those people are lost and ignorant for consuming pork. People have different measures for what’s best for human rights. No one forced you to change. You were willing to change yourself. Give people the same respect. What matters to you may not matter to them. It’s not about arriving at the same time, instead, it’s about respecting others' decisions regarding when they want to arrive, and, if they want to arrive at all. The problem that I see is: people stand for justice the wrong way. If someone is treating you wrong, don’t react wrong. Instead, be understanding and handle the situation gracefully. We have to learn to respect other people’s sensitivity. Be an individual who is willing to love through the disagreement. Learn to turn what you are passionate about into a panel of discussion that will bring peace, awareness, and understanding. Don’t hate the person who offended you. Share your thoughts and move on. Besides, they already showed you, through their actions, their viewpoint of the situation. Case in point: is it wrong to insult? Absolutely.  But don’t send out a message trying to correct others the wrong way either. If you want justice then you have to know how to get it, and being on the same level as ignorance is not the way. Rise above it and be the change you want to see. People change when their situation changes. 

Be a person who stands for your standards, and uphold them not only for those around you, but for yourself as well. ©️2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋



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