Unpack your L.I.F.E Standards
Unpack your L.I.F.E Standards: Ask questions early so you want be crushed later. Unpacking situations leads to confidence not chaos! ~LWB Butterfly 🦋 As an educator before we start a new lesson showing and introducing a new skill we must unpack the standard first just so that we understand how to structure the assignments for the students. Some standards require more configuration than others. Some standards are harder to solve then others. As the teacher we will find those factors out before the student; therefore we can prevent any unexpected situations when we are giving instruction. Life to me is the same way, there are somethings that we must unpack before we enter into it. A lot of times we jump right into situations without analyzing it. In life, we deal with a lot of elements that can cause us to ignore some of the framework that comes with it. We may even ask questions like why should I put all my time to make sure I am making the ...